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Fake College of Staten Island Degree Certificate
The College of Staten Island (CSI) is a public university in Staten Island, 纽约. It is one of the 11 four-year senior colleges within the City University of New York system. Programs in the liberal arts and sciences and professional studies lead to bachelor’s and associate degrees. The master’s degree is awarded in 13 professional and liberal arts and sciences fields of study. A clinical doctorate is awarded by the department of physical therapy. The college participates in doctoral programs of the CUNY Graduate Center in biochemistry, 生物学, 化学, 计算机科学, 看护, 物理, and psychology.What’s the Process to Order a Fake College of Staten Island Degree Certificate?
The College of Staten Island is the product of a merger in 1976 of Staten Island Community College (SICC), 成立于 1956, and Richmond College, 成立于 1965. Richmond College had been threatened with closure because of New York City’s financial crisis, while SICC, because of its status as a community college, received state support. 这次合并特别合乎逻辑,因为社区学院提供两年制学位, 而里士满学院是一所 “上师” 学院 (全国第三) 为三年级和四年级的学生提供学位。CSI 的假文凭在哪里出售?史泰登岛学院自成立以来一直位于前威洛布鲁克州立学校的场地上 1993. 这是最大的校园, 就物理尺寸而言, 在纽约市. 搬迁至 Willowbrook 之前, 该学院有一个分开的校园, 位于前斯塔顿岛社区学院 (位于 桑尼赛德, 位于托特山; 校园现在设有 Michael J. 佩特里德斯学校) and Richmond College (在圣. 乔治).购买史坦顿岛学院假证书和成绩单.
史泰登岛学院运动队被称为海豚队. 该大学是国家大学体育协会的临时成员 (NCAA) 第二组, 并准备加入东海岸会议 (ECC) 2020-21学年. 该大学此前曾作为纽约市立大学运动会的成员参加过三级比赛 (CUNYAC) 从 1979–80 到 2019–20. 学院在 2019-20 赛季开始向二级联赛过渡,并与二级联赛和三级联赛球队进行混合赛程, 高校. During the following two years of provisional status the Dolphins will compete in the conference and are eligible for conference awards but will not be eligible for ECC and NCAA championships until completing the transition process for the 2022–23 academic year.假学位和文凭,伪造的成绩单和证书. The men’s and women’s swimming and diving teams have competed in the Northeast-10 Conference since the 2023-24 季节, formerly competing in the Metropolitan Swimming Conference (METS) as the ECC doesn’t sponsor the sport. The college competes in 16 体育. Men’s sports are baseball, 篮球, 越野, soccer, swimming and diving, 网球, and track and field (indoor and outdoor); women’s sports are basketball, 越野, soccer, 垒球, swimming and diving, 网球, and track and field (indoor and outdoor).