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高等经济商业学院 (更常见的是 ESSEC 商学院或 ESSEC) 是一所法国商业和管理学校, 具有非营利协会地位 (法国结社法 1901), 成立于 1907, 主校区位于塞尔吉. 在拉德芳斯也设有分店, 拉巴特和新加坡, 专门用于 ESSEC Global BBA 和 ESSEC Executive MBA 课程。如何购买 ESSEC 商学院假学位?由耶稣会士响应巴黎 HEC 学院的创建而成立, 在通过之前很长一段时间它独立于任何工商会 1981 在凡尔赛宫的控制下, 成为巴黎法兰西岛CCI 2013. 今天, ESSEC是CY联盟的成员, 前身是巴黎塞纳大学。ESSEC 集团提供大量行政和管理培训课程, 特别是通过其名为“ “高等学校项目” conferring the master’s degree. It also delivers a “BBA” (Bachelor in Business Administration), specialized masters (SM), a master’s degree in business administration (MBA) and doctorates.Historical rival of HEC Paris and of ESCP Business School, it forms with the latters the group of “three Parisians”, which designates the three most prestigious business schools in France. ESSEC is also regularly cited among the best business schools in France and in Europe.Buy the Fake Transcript and Certificate online.
ESSEC商学院是一所很棒的学校, 法国高等教育机构,独立于, 但并联且经常连接到, 法国公立大学系统的主要框架. Grandes écoles 是精英学术机构,通过极其竞争的过程录取学生, 他们的毕业生很大一部分占据了法国社会的最高层. 类似于美国常春藤盟校, 英国牛津剑桥, 以及中国C9联赛, graduation from a grande école is considered the prerequisite credential for any top government, administrative and corporate position in France.The degrees are accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Écoles and awarded by the Ministry of National Education (法国). Higher education business degrees in France are organized into three levels thus facilitating international mobility: the Licence / Bachelor’s degrees, and the Master’s and Doctorat degrees. The Bachelors and the Masters are organized in semesters: 6 for the Bachelors and 4 for the Masters. Those levels of study include various “parcours” or paths based on UE (Unités d’enseignement or Modules), each worth a defined number of European credits (ECTS). A student accumulates those credits, which are generally transferable between paths. A Bachelors is awarded once 180 ECTS have been obtained (bac + 3); a Masters is awarded once 120 additional credits have been obtained (bac +5). The highly coveted PGE (Grand Ecole Program) ends with the degree of Master’s in Management (MiM).我们可以为您出售 ESSEC 假文凭.
ESSEC 是一个非营利组织. 其管理层由一名总干事组成 (院长), 由其执行委员会协助, 特别是由课程院长组成, 教授和研究机构. 他们向董事会报告, 管理该协会, 该委员会由巴黎法兰西岛 CCI 的两名代表组成, 校友会代表, 和两名合格的专业人员。监事会由二十八名成员组成, 巴黎法兰西岛 CCI 的六名代表, 巴黎天主教学院的两名成员, 五名以前的学生, 中小企业联合会会员之一, 四个学生, 包括教授院长在内的五位教授, 学校行政人员两名, 和三名合格的专业人员.假学位和文凭,伪造的成绩单和证书.会员大会是协会章程稳定性的保证者, 由巴黎法兰西岛CCI主席组成, 毕业生协会代表, 中小企业联合会代表, 教授院长, 巴黎天主教学院院长 (ICP).