ジョージメイソン大学 (ジョージ・メイソン, 石工, またはGMU) フェアファックス郡にある公立研究大学です, ワシントン近郊のバージニア州, D.C. 大学はもともとに設立されました 1949 バージニア大学の北バージニア地域支部として. アメリカ合衆国建国の父ジョージ・メイソンにちなんで命名されました。 1959, に独立した大学となった 1972. The school has since grown into the largest public university in the Commonwealth of Virginia.Keys to Get the George Mason University Fake Diploma in US.The university operates four campuses in Virginia, which are located in Fairfax, Arlington, Front Royal, and Prince William Counties. It also operates a retreat and conference center in Lorton and an international campus in Incheon, 韓国. The university’s flagship campus is in Fairfax, Virginia.The university is classified among “R1: 博士課程の大学 – 非常に活発な研究活動。” 二人の教授, ジェームズ・M. ブキャナンの 1986 そしてバーノン・L. スミスイン 2002, ジョージ メイソン大学在学中にノーベル経済学賞を受賞しました。GMU の偽の証明書と成績証明書を購入するのはどのように安全ですか??イーグルバンク アリーナ, 大学が運営する10,000席のアリーナとコンサート会場, フェアファックスキャンパス内にあります. 大学が認めている 500 学生団体や 41 友愛とsororities.
に 1949, バージニア大学はバージニア北部にサービスを提供する拡張センターを設立しました. The extension center offered both for credit and non-credit informal classes in the evenings at various pre-existing venues.The first for credit classes offered were: “Government in the Far East, Introduction to International Politics, English Composition, Principles of Economics, Mathematical Analysis, Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, and Principles of Lip Reading.” By the end of 1952, enrollment was 1,192 students.A resolution of the Virginia General Assembly in January 1956 changed the extension center into University College, the Northern Virginia branch of the University of Virginia. John Norville Gibson Finley served as director. Seventeen freshmen students attended classes at University College in a small renovated elementary school building in Bailey’s Crossroads starting in September 1957. に 1958 University College became George Mason College.Where to order the George Mason University Fake Degree?The City of Fairfax purchased and donated 150 エーカー (60 ヘクタール) of land just south of the city limits to the University of Virginia for the college’s new site, which is now referred to as the Fairfax Campus. に 1959, the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia selected a permanent name for the college: George Mason College of the University of Virginia. The Fairfax campus construction planning that began in early 1960 showed visible results when the development of the first 40 エーカー (16 ヘクタール) of Fairfax Campus began in 1962. In the Fall of 1964 the new campus welcomed 356 students.Fake degree and diploma,Fake transcript and certificate.During the 1966 Session of the Virginia General Assembly, Alexandria delegate James M. Thomson, with the backing of the University of Virginia, introduced a bill in the General Assembly to make George Mason College a four-year institution under the University of Virginia’s direction. The measure, known as H 33, passed the Assembly easily and was approved on March 1, 1966, making George Mason College a degree-granting institution. During that same year, the local jurisdictions of Fairfax County, Arlington County, and the cities of Alexandria and Falls Church agreed to appropriate $3 million to purchase land adjacent to Mason to provide for a 600-acre (240-ヘクタール) Fairfax Campus with the intention that the institution would expand into a regional university of major proportions, including the granting of graduate degrees.