カリブ海試験評議会の偽の学位を取得する迅速な方法, ここに来て!

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Caribbean Examinations Council Fake Degree

カリブ海試験評議会 (CXC) カリブ海の審査会です. それはで設立されました 1972 カリブ海共同体の参加政府の合意に基づき、適切と思われる試験を実施し、そのように実施された試験の結果について証明書および卒業証書を授与する。. 評議会には、そのような試験の実施を規制し、受験者の資格要件と受験者が支払う手数料を規定する権限が与えられています。. 現在は、教育資格を提供する試験機関となっています。 16 English speaking Commonwealth Caribbean Countries and Territories and has replaced the General Certificate of Education (GCE) examinations used by England and some other members of the Commonwealth. The CXC is an institution of the Caribbean Community (カリブ共同体); it was recognised as an Associate Institution of the Community in the 1973 treaty that created the Caribbean Community. Members of the council are drawn from the 16 territories and the region’s two universities, the University of Guyana and the University of the West Indies.Fast Method to Get the Caribbean Examinations Council Fake Degree, ここに来て!

カリブ海試験評議会の偽の学位を取得する迅速な方法, ここに来て!

に 2002, GCE Advanced Level から CXC CAPE 試験への移行が行われました。, 一部の国では事実上の大学入学試験となっている. 大学によっては別途入学試験を受ける必要がある場合もあります. The International Baccalaureate and European Baccalaureate are also accepted.
The Caribbean Examinations Council offers three levels of examinations and certifications:
the Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment (CPEA)
the Caribbean Secondary Education Certification (CSEC)
the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (ケープ)
The CXC Associate Degree Programme was unveiled in 2005; it is a tertiary qualification based on the CAPE certification.
Offer for sale Fake the CXC Diploma. Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) examinations are usually taken by students after five years of secondary school, and mark the end of standard secondary education. The CSEC examinations are equivalent to the Ordinary Level (Oレベル) examinations and are targeted towards students sixteen and older. The CSEC examinations are often called the CXC examinations as they were the only examinations offered by the CXC from 1979 until 1998.Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (ケープ) examinations are taken by students who have completed their secondary education and wish to continue their studies. Students who wish to sit for the CAPE usually possess CSEC or an equivalent certification. The CAPE is equivalent to the Advanced Levels (平地) and they are both voluntary qualifications that are intended for university entrance. Since it was introduced in 1998, the number of subjects offered at CAPE has increased.How safe to buy the Caribbean Examinations Council Fake Transcript and Certificate?While it may vary by territory, CSEC は一般に、保有者が中等学校卒業者であることを証明する雇用資格とみなされます。. While the CAPE is considered a suitable qualification for entry into tertiary education.The island territories of Saint Maarten and Saba—both part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands—also conduct exams administered by the council. に 1993, カリブ海審査評議会法は、国内の評議会が実施する審査の完全性を確保するためにジャマイカ議会によって制定されました。.


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